Origin of Blog's Title

I was inspired to start this blog and name it "Hollywood for Ugly People" after I heard a peer in D.C. use the term several months ago. It was after hearing this phrase that I, working as a bike messenger, became more keenly observant of the everyday hustle and bustle of our nation's capital. That being said, let me make one thing clear: the "Ugly People" (referring to politicians, lobbyists, bureaucrats, etc.) that fall under my radar of criticism are not at fault for simply pursuing their dreams of political celebrity. Those dreams are perfectly honorable by my standards. There is also absolutely nothing wrong with being physically ugly and overcompensating for those defects by seeking acceptance through political power. However, I like to think such people are victims of Napoleon complex. My beef and the reason this blog carries its title is that American government can be summarized in one word: corrupt. And there is nothing "uglier" than a rich and corrupt system running the lives of the masses. The tide is beginning to change with my man Obama, but as always people will have to suffer a little while longer before their rights and self-images can be fully restored and the "American Dream" can be recognized equally across socioeconomic and racial boundaries ("cough, cough" it's only a matter of time before "old money" becomes "new money," sorry to the corporate "slave"


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