Rebuilding Bridges

In the past year, I've been going through some serious life changes. I started to lose trust in some people I consider dear friends of mine. People I grew up with and went to college with that, in reality, would probably never do me wrong. But it's a crazy world and admittedly I was missing my old stomping grounds. I was self-medicating and researching material I will describe as "higher learning." And it gave me some crazy ideas. And I acted on those ideas and it got me in some trouble with the government. I meant no malice, I was just acting instinctually and doing what I thought at the time was "right and just." If I could rewind time, then I would have done things differently. I burned a few bridges I didn't mean to burn. In time I hope to rebuild those bridges. For now I need time to think and examine myself and the world around me. And humble myself. Pride can be a killer and an acute cause of stress. Peace.


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