Some Thoughts on Japan
First off, may the people who fell victim to the natural disaster in Japan rest in peace. Events like this are particularly tragic because they are relatively unpredictable and certainly unstoppable. This is not the time to make bullshit, ignorant comments like Glenn Beck did, who essentially said this disaster was deserved because of the attack on Pearl Harbor. If karma had anything to do with this then the U.S. is in for quite a heap of trouble from mother nature due to our heinous track record. Let's pray that's not the case and just hope Glenn Beck has some bad luck of his own (kidding, but seriously Glenn Beck needs to stop spewing ignorant bullshit for ratings). Anyway, the issue I wanted to address that has been a popular topic of discussion is the lack of funds Japan has been receiving from the U.S. in comparison to the Haiti earthquake last year. That's not to say we haven't chipped in both monetarily and with human resources, but it seems most people think because Japan is such a wealthy nation (3rd highest GDP last I checked) they don't need the charity Haiti received. While that may be a valid point, people in need are still people in need and disasters are disasters so I'm encouraging anyone who has time and a fat wallet to contribute what they can. If you're feeling adventurous, take a vacation for humanitarian purposes and lend a helping hand. Peace.
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