Thought of the Day

Because the lady at Decoded for MTV knows best. 🤡 Dumb, young "woke" liberals love over-intellectualizing trivial things. So many oblivious white people will parrot these talking points.

In the spirit of keeping it ðŸ’¯ if black/brown people who care about cultural appropriation held themselves to the same standards they hold white people they would stop playing football, basketball, baseball, and Olympic sports. They would stop using cell phones, computers, and the internet. They would stop wearing weaves and extensions and perms and dying their hair blonde. Her claim that the blonde hair thing is assimilation is utter bullshit. It's a recent trend and not at all about "survival." She means to tell me black people during slavery and Jim Crow were dying their hair blonde to avoid persecution? ðŸ¤£ Yes, some elements of white European culture were forced upon blacks and they had to assimilate, but hair color sure as hell isn’t one of them. Hair color isn’t even cultural, it’s goddamn genetic. No white person gives a damn about "our culture" being appropriated even though it's ubiquitous. People who are sensitive about cultural appropriation are in a very small minority. As for black people being fired for braids, etc. I'm sure they were in corporate jobs with strict rules about appearance that apply to everyone. No beards, unkempt hair, or messy clothes, etc. I'm in education and anyone at any level, private or public, can wear their hair however they want. The Yankees have a policy about hairstyles and forbid facial hair. Not once has a player complained about that. If there were a Muslim or a Sikh in MLB with a big ass beard for religious purposes they simply couldn't play for the Yankees without shaving. That's not discrimination, it's about an employer having the right to determine how their employees conduct themselves, regardless of skin color or culture.


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