Thought of the Day
The Occupy Wall Street protests don't really appeal to me, despite my affinity for disrupting the affairs of greedy jerks. I don't think the people involved in this movement have really thought too critically about who's to blame for economic and social instability. The problem is too complex to just point the finger at the people at the top, or the 1% as the OWS people have labeled them, and say they need to be overthrown to protect the interests of ordinary people. I mean, who is really causing the system to fail? Is it the CEO of a big oil company who writes himself large Christmas bonuses or Cindy, the 19-year old high school drop out with two kids who works at Wendy's and sometimes can't afford baby food so she brings home junior bacon cheeseburgers for her toddler? Is it the tobacco company lobbyist who bribes people to get his candidate into office or is it Randy, the car mechanic who purposely misidentifies the problems with his customers' cars and overcharges them so he can support his cocaine addiction? I think conspiracy theorists and anti-establishment types need to consider the effects of average people's behavior and actions before they scream bloody murder about "The Man" leeching from the masses.
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