Thought of the Day
I've never understood why celebrities are immensely annoyed by the paparazzi. I don't see any reason why they should feel that way considering it comes with the territory. They make a conscious choice to pursue fame knowing if they reach their goal they will often be pursued by bottom-feeders with cameras. When they make it big they act as if it's unjust to have their privacy invaded in such a way when they knew it would come with the price of fame. What a bunch of hypocritical crap. Anyone who pursues fame must to some degree enjoy attention and adoration from strangers. How do such people have the nerve to complain about a group of provocateurs who fulfill that desire? I'm not accusing all celebrities of this behavior because I'm sure some of them handle the paparazzi with grace and humility. And I'm not defending the paparazzi, they're a creepy, adulatory catalyst for the obsession with our vacuous celebrity culture. I'm just seeing the celebrity-paparazzi relationship for what it is.
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