Thought of the Day

It's difficult for me to refrain from being misanthropic. For every person that gives me hope for the future of mankind, there are five people expediting the process of our species' imminent extinction. For every middle-aged person training for a triathlon, there are five obese teenagers at the McDonald's drive-thru. For every classy, sophisticated woman, there are five dirty strippers. For every George Carlin, there are five Dane Cooks. For every subscriber to National Geographic, there are five subscribers to People Magazine. For every gay person hoping to one day legally wed, there are five Christian divorcees ranting about the sanctity of marriage. For every true Muslim, there are five suicide bombers. For every Hank Aaron, there are five Barry Bondses. For every fan of Curb Your Enthusiasm, there are five fans of Teen Mom. For every shortstop, there are five sweet laxers. For every Michael Jordan, there are five Lebron Jameses (OK, in a few years I might retract this). For every Bruce Lee, there are five lumbering dolts training to be MMA fighters. For every member of Mensa, there are five members of the NRA. For every Eminem, there are five Vanilla Ices. For every super-wealthy person with one expensive car, there are five moderately wealthy people with five expensive cars each. For every scientist working on a cure for AIDS, there are five sociopathic engineers designing a futuristic assault rifle. For every Mahatma Gandhi, there are five Pol Pots. For every Frederick Douglass, there are five Uncle Toms. For every informed citizen who votes for an elected official because of their policies, there are five ignoramuses who vote for an elected official because they like the way they look. For every teacher, there are five sports agents. For every John Coltrane, there are five Kenny Gs. For every well-adjusted white kid who grew up in the hood, there are five "B-Rads" from Malibu's Most Wanted. For every Johnny Depp, there are five Skeet Ulriches. For every Johnny Cash, there are five Toby Keiths. For every Hillary Clinton, there are five Sarah Palins. For every JFK, there are five George W. Bushes. For every poet, there are five fan fiction writers. For every bicycle commuter, there are five self-important nimrods in Hummers pulling out of their driveway. And the list goes on.


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