Mayweather vs. Ortiz (Sucker Punch vs. Headbutt)
Before I express my disappointment with the sport of boxing, I should preface this entry with saying I didn't watch the fight live. Regardless, last night was a sad night for boxing. From watching the video of the KO, it remains unclear to me whether or not Mayweather's two sucker punches were legal. I haven't read any post-fight statements from the judges or referee so the legality of the KO is up in the air to me. However, the official ruling is the referee did signal time in. OK, well then why was he still looking at the judges when Mayweather landed the first blow? Part of the reason this KO is so controversial is the referee's ineptitude. If he were paying attention to the action, I would be more reluctant to criticize Pretty Boy for being shamelessly opportunistic. The bottom line is both boxers did their sport a huge disservice. I blame Ortiz more than Mayweather because he lost his cool out of frustration with not being able to land solid punches. But, for someone who likes to consider himself one of the greatest fighters of all time, Money Mayweather took advantage of a weaker fighter's attempt at an apology and turned it into a cheap KO. It might have been legal, but it was far from honorable. From what I've read, the way the fight was going Mayweather was going to KO Ortiz soon enough anyway. He shouldn't have done it in that fashion, especially considering the way the general public perceives him. I'm not a Mayweather detractor, I think he's a great fighter and doesn't deserve all the envious criticism he receives because of his flashy persona. But, he should know better than to pull a stunt like that. In order to redeem himself he needs to stop dodging Pacquiao and give the world the fight it's been waiting for. If he were to beat Pac-Man, everyone would forget this sucker punch incident and give him the credit he has always deserved.
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