Thought of the Day

It's no surprise extraterrestrials haven't revealed themselves to mankind en masse. I'm sure they've visited in small numbers enough times by now to realize how barbaric, destructive, and xenophobic the average human being is and decided it'd be best to remain in the shadows. They probably saw how Europeans reacted to strangers in the New World and figured the entirety of mankind would react similarly to them. Of course, I'm assuming their intentions are benevolent. They could be the Europeans and we could be the New World natives and they're waiting for us to evolve out of the war-mongering phase so we're more susceptible to an invasion. All I know for sure is if they come en masse, I'm not falling for that, "We come in peace," crap. I've seen too many Hollywood movies to blindly trust a large group of aliens. I'm just going to hide out in the woods until I see what really goes down. Even if it's some rapture scenario where the world's ending and the ETs are saying, "Come with us in our ships, we'll save you," I'm taking my chances here on Earth. All the gullible ones who listened will end up in a zoo on some distant planet. I'd rather be the last person on a desolate Earth than an exhibit piece in another galaxy.


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