Thought of the Day

I often think about how incredibly beautiful this planet must have been before our ancestors descended from the trees and set out on a quest to destroy everything. It's funny how natural selection can promote certain traits that improve an organism but cause it to damage the planet and everything in it. We are mother nature's ultimate ill-conceived experiment and the present condition of our species is preeminent proof there is likely not a God. Only through random genetic mutation and adaptation to environmental pressures could a creature like a human come to be. If we were created by an omniscient, infinitely wise father, then he either lacks foresight and isn't omniscient or particularly wise, or he's a sadistic demiurge who felt compelled to sculpt a magnificent planet, create two members of an incredibly advanced, but tragically flawed species, and put them in a garden so he could laugh as they and their progeny gradually dismantle their planet. For Earth's sake, I hope we aren't around too much longer so she can relive the blissful feeling of the days before we came on the scene.


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