Terminator: Salvation (thank you roomies)
So last night we watched Terminator: Salvation and that was all I really needed to get me out of my current slump. I am not a machine, but sometimes life makes you feel that way. We are all robotic in some sense, and for someone like me who lives viscerally it is often difficult for me to slow down. I have feelings like everyone else, I just tend to internalize them. It is a defense mechanism ingrained in my genetics. And it no longer serves a purpose for me. I don't need anyone else necessarily, but I do need the love of my people: friends and family. A psychiatrist might help, but in reality some clean clothes, cooked food, and good company is all I need to be on my way. I never intend to hurt people, but my mouth has never had a filter. Maybe it's about time I start using one. Because I'm tired of hurting too.
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